2024-25 Tuition Schedule

Tuition is due on the 1st of each month.
Late fees will be applied for unpaid balances after the 10th of the month.
Tuition is calculated for the entire semester and then divided into 9 equal monthly installments.
​Therefore; the rate is the same for a month with 3 classes as a month with 5 classes.
​1st payment is due September 1st (or upon registration) 
​Full monthly tuitions are due on the first of each month from September through May.

Tuition schedule is based on the total hours per week for the family.

30 minute classs: $35/month
​45 minute class: $53/month
1 hour class: $71/month
1 hr 15 min class: $88/month
1 hr 30 min class: $106/month
1 hr 45 min class: $124/month
2 hours of classes: $134/month
2 hr 30 min class: $168/month
3 hours of classes: $202/month

Please contact us for Family and Multi-Class Discounts above what is listed.

Adult Fitness & Dance Classes
$15/class Drop In
$50/month for once a week
​$75/month for twice a week
$85/month for 3 classes a week